
  • News

    Andrew Hall & Hunter Tools Videos

    Hunter Tool Systems (Europe) Ltd and Hunter Tool Systems USA are proud to announce new videos from Andrew Hall using Hunter Tools to create his “Fairy Pixie Bowl” project. These will be available on the Hunter Tool Systems’ YouTube channel.…

  • News

    Events listing

    Don’t forget to let us know about any online or live events that you are involved in and we will list them on the site. Please use the IRD Notification form for online events and the Live Event Notification form…

  • News

    Hunt County Woodturners – Associate Membership

    Dear Woodturning Friends, It is with great excitement that I am writing to you to tell you that Hunt County Woodturners now has Associate Memberships! Hunt County Woodturners is located in Greenville, Texas. We are a chapter of the American…

  • News

    Wood allergies and toxicity

    There is a very useful website which details all of the popular woods and many less popular ones and it shows how they may affect you in terms of allergies and their toxicity. Explore the site there are some ‘how…

  • News

    How to screenshare in Zoom

    In the ‘Members Only’ section of the website you will now find a page which explains how to screenshare in a Zoom meeting. This article covers both Mac’s and Windows 10 PC’s. I will add iOS and Android devices to…